Friday, March 20, 2020

The Problem of Opium in Persia essays

The Problem of Opium in Persia essays The League of Nations has among its many functions, to take over the supervision of international agreements such as the Hague Convention. . At the League's first meeting, an advisory committee on opium and other drugs was set up, with two functions; to collect and analyse information on the drug traffic, and to try to persuade member States to keep the regulations laid down to control it. The information collected, when analysed, revealed that La Motte's strictures had been justified. The Hague Convention was revealed as no more than a string of aspirations. That happend because the League can not have the pretention of creating restraining rules to countries and wait to see how the countries will handle those rules, some nations, for example, had pledged themselves to control the output of raw and prepared opium; but they had been careful not to say how, or when, mostly because they dont have the interest of doing such thing. India believes that opium is something that needs to be regulated, but dont understand what means can be taken to achieve such thing. A fair dabate will be the only way to find answers to this problem, that will not be resolved in the short term. Opium its a important economic factor in countries like China, India and Persia. As we all know, it will be an utopic way of thinking to just abolish opium. We know thats not what the League is proposing but we are afraid that this will be the solution. Besides all of the enconomic and social factors, Indian opium could produce admirable morphine and its decided that we are going to produce much of it to the consumption of the great British Empire and its colonies. Even though India is willing to fight the drug prodution and exportation of the illegal opium. ...

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Heat of Vaporization Example Problem

Heat of Vaporization Example Problem Heat of vaporization is the amount of heat energy required to change the state of a substance from a  liquid into  a vapor or gas. It is also known as enthalpy of vaporization, with units typically given in joules (J) or calories (cal). This example problem demonstrates how to calculate the amount of energy required to turn a sample of water to steam. Heat of Vaporization Problem What is the heat in joules required to convert 25 grams of water into steam? What is the heat in calories?Useful information: Heat of vaporization of water 2257 J/g 540 cal/g Note:  You wont be expected to know enthalpy or heat values; they will be given in a problem or can be looked up in a table. Solution You can solve this problem  using either joules or calories for heat. Part IUse the formula  q m ·ÃŽâ€Hvwhereq heat energym massΔHv heat of vaporizationq (25 g)x(2257 J/g)q 56425 JPart IIq m ·ÃŽâ€Hfq (25 g)x(540 cal/g)q 13500 cal Answer The amount of heat required to change 25 grams of water into steam is 56425 joules or 13500 calories. A related example illustrates how to calculate the energy when water changes from solid ice into steam.